Opinion: What Should Congress Tell Voters In August? – Cnn.com

Members of the House and Senate take a 5-week recess each summer.

The Democrats have also tried to push through votes appealing to the middle class on the minimum wage and the gender gap in pay. House Republicans finally wised up and recently offered a female agenda of their own right before the August break that would increase job training, incentivize flexible work schedules, provide tax breaks for children and families, and strengthens charter schools. The package also includes new legislation to prevent retaliation when women ask about equal pay. Beyond this rhetoric, there is a better opportunity for Republicans in this election cycle to sell a positive message to voters because Democrats are being forced to defend the White House and its handling of the crises at home and abroad. It’s more difficult for a Democrat to have to answer questions about the missing e-mail scandal at the Internal Revenue Service or President Obama’s handling of Israel or the Ukraine and then pivot to a positive message on female gender pay. View my Flipboard Magazine. Mad people vote.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/01/opinion/bonjean-congress-recess/index.html

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